Jessica got set up on a blind date for the homecoming dance and we all helped her get ready. She was showing us pictures of her date on facebook and as I was looking at him I was thinking "This kid looks really familiar..." I finally realized that I also went on a blind date with this same kid last year! Haha what a coincidence... Anyway I was hanging out in another apartment waiting for her to come home and finally at 3:30 she got home. We got talking about her date and when we realized it was past 4 we thought it would be a bright idea to just NOT go to bed since we had to wake up early to go to the Homecoming parade... the late night must have contorted our thinking or something because it was not the greatest of ideas. We had a great time being crazy though!!! Here's some pictures of our eventful night...

Haha I just love Jenni in the background! Doesn't Jess just look so beautiful??
Here's Jess' support group! Shawn brought her Yoohoo chocolate milk, but he didn't seem to want to be in this picture with us four girls... I can't even imagine why...
Ok so our next event of the night was dying Jenni's hair! Well Melanie dyed it while Me, Jen, and Shawn went and got dinner at Quiznos :)
The final product. SO cute!!
And THIS is what happens at 4:30 in the morning inside the walls of apartment 26...

Model shots!!
The christmas vest is a classic which i bought at DI for $3.00. I've gotten many uses out of it :)

Jess just loves this picture... so sexy!