Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wait a minute... A new blog post??

WOW. Sorry. Man I have been totally slacking off in the blogging department. Last year I was so good at keeping it updated... that's because I was a Freshman ha ha. Well not a whole lot is new here... Just been busy with school and what not.

Ok so here's a little bit of what I've been up to the past month...

A few weeks ago we all took a trip up to Rexburg for Love You Long Time's final concert! They are a super fun 80's type rap-ish band and they broke up recently so we went to their very last show. It was a blast. Probably the most fun concert I've ever been to. Except for the opening bands... but that's not the point. Front to Back: Me, Jess, Kristen (kyle's sister), Leslie, Kyle, and Braden.

My Thanksgiving break was pretty good. Relaxing and quiet. Before the break we put together a Thanksgiving feast. We had all the basics: Yams, Potatoes, Stuffing, Pumpkin Pie, and uh... Chicken...? Ha ha close enough to turkey right?

Gigantic Margarita glass + Orange colored water + floating tea lights + beautiful fall leaves = the best centerpiece ever created :) Me and Jess were so very proud of our creation!

Here's the group: Cherokee, Haley, Staci, Me, Josh, Jess, and Jenni

Our little Christmas tree!
Yes we are weirdos.... and Yes that is a rubber fetus on top of our tree. That's Felix :) He's kind of become the mascot of apt. 37 here. Don't ask.....

Home was really nice too. It was a fairly good week, and somehow my mother convinced me to wake up at 3:30 Friday morning to go shopping... ha yeah crazy. This was only our second year of Black Friday shopping, and I think we're addicted. This year was kind of fun though. I got half of my christmas shopping done so that was good! I really found the whole thing quite comical ha ha.

Welp. Another semester has come and gone. Crazy how fast these semesters go by! It's finals week and I've only got one more test to go. It's awfully cold up here. I hear that it was -2 degrees at 7:00 this morning when I was walking up to campus to take my 7:30 final (yeah sick I know...). Ha yeah that's a negative, as in Below Zero. Brrr! But it looks like Christmas and I'm way stoked for the holiday! And to have a month long break from school! Woo!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Special Day

Happy Birthday to my Wonderful Mother!!

Love you lots Mom!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Jeeping Excursions

In honor of the wonderful Fall weather we've been having lately, we have been trying to get in as many jeeping trips as we can. So far we are at 4 in the last couple weeks ha ha. One day me and my roommate Jenni drove up Green canyon and she was nice and modeled for me, then the next day we went up Providence canyon with a fellow jeeper friend of mine. We played around up there for a bit, and then had a fire and made delicious banana boats! Mmm... Yum!

Cherokee, Staci, Colton, Jenni, Chris

Colton, Me, Cherokee, Jenni, and Staci standing in front of the waterfall in Providence Canyon

The next day, which was a Saturday, us roommates (except one) went over to Hyde Park and had a cute little picnic on top of the most perfect hill ever! It was so fun! We bought food from Old Grist Mill (SO good!) and drove up to this place and played around for a bit.

Gorgeous View!

Jenni's cute little Jeep

Apt. 37 roommates! Except... Jessica


So I just recently got my new lens that I ordered and I absolutely love it! It's so fun! It's a 50 mm fixed with a maximum aperture of f/1.8. I haven't had a whole lot of opportunities to play around with it, but here are some pics that I took (using my new lens) of my roommate Jessica yesterday when we were taking out roommate pictures. We drove up Smithfield canyon which was SO beautiful!

My roommates are so great at being good little models for me ha ha

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bear Lake

Not this last conference weekend, but the weekend before my family had a little getaway vacation up at Bear Lake. Our neighbors are so kind and let us borrow their cabin that they are in the process of completing. It's a cozy little cabin and has an incredible view of the lake! That weekend also happened to be Utah State's homecoming so I only drove up and spent the day on Friday and Sunday. And Holy Cow! The Canyon is SO stinkin' Beautiful!! Man I just Love Fall so much!

View from the balcony

I really love Bear Lake a lot :)

Friday we went down to the beach and played for a bit. The water actually wasn't too cold and all the men/boy jumped right in. Lexie started out wearing all of her clothes as you can see. But she loved the water and ended up like this...

Silly boys... whoever knows what they are doing... ha ha

Notice Danny's shadow (far right). He's got moose antlers ha ha. My sister got a picture of us taking this picture and it's funny to see Danny making his antlers.

Four-wheeling!! They have a couple 4-wheelers that they also let us borrow and play on. I love 4-wheeling so much! AND I drove one all by myself for the first time ever! It was just an automatic one ha ha... but yup it was cool. The area was so gorgeous with the leaves changing colors.

The Lexster peeping over the ledge (the loft isn't finished yet so they don't have a railing)

Mmmm Fall... :D Brings a smile to my face

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Conquering Timp

First of all, I apologize for being so slow and not updating my blog for so long...

A couple weeks ago (Sept. 19) me, my brother Chris, roommate Jessica, and good friend Todd hiked to the summit of Mt. Timpanogos! Yup that's right. The summit! I felt pretty hard core.


On the way up

"The Jessica's" Norm and Roy :)

ha ha so funny story. I brought a nectarine for lunch and just stuffed it in my backpack along with all the rest of my stuff. We stopped to rest on this hill and I sat down and opened my backpack up to get my camera out. My backpack fell over and out comes the nectarine. Luckily I had put it in a ziploc baggie, because it began to roll away down the hill. It was rolling towards Chris and he says "don't worry I'll get it!" He jumps out to try and stop it and... instead of saving it he Punts it over the edge and it goes rolling away down the hill! ha ha bye bye nectarine! I was laughing so hard. You probably had to be there but it was hilarious! He was nice though and climbed down to get it for me.

There it is! We hiked to the very tippity top of that mountain!

Hurray!! We made it!

And here's the proof

Look who we found at the top! Ha ha someone had brought that up with them... I don't know why.

This little guy made it all the way to the top too! What a trooper!

Ahhh SO beautiful!! I was seriously awe struck at the view. It was the most incredible view I've ever seen! Amazing.

Provo and Utah Lake


Emerald Lake. It looked really cool from up above on top of Timp. Behind is the glacier that people sometimes slide down. We were going to but it looked a bit skeptical.

Mountain Goats!! They were everywhere! Like 80 of them!

They got so close to us too. I was taking pictures of a group of them up on this hill and then all of the sudden they start coming towards me and passed right by hopping over the rocks.

9 hours of hiking. Close to 20 miles. Terribly exhausted and sore for a few days. It was the hardest physical thing I've ever done... BUT so incredibly worth it!! Amazing.