Wow, what a night! Back in November our ward had an activity called a "tie date" where we randomly chose a guy's tie and did three secret things for them that week. Then we showed up at their door with the tie for a date that they had planned. This week, they switched it up and did a "jewelry date" where we put in a piece of jewelry and the guys picked it. My mystery date gave me some candy, an easter basket with a decorated egg inside, and my favorite... breakfast in bed!!! I was pretty much way excited! It was yummy yummy. So anyway, tonight was our date and I feel like it was pretty successful. I had a ton of fun and it seemed like everyone else did too!

This is my date... Steve-o! Note: Persons (or person) in picture may appear taller than actual size... p.s. I'm standing on a chair :)
We started the night out by feeding them dinner. Spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread. Nothing too extreme, but still yummy. Then we had dessert... football ice cream to be exact. You mix everything up in a bag, then put that inside a larger bag with ice and salt. You then wrap it up in tons of newspaper (which we are quite abundant in) and throw it around to shake it up! It was a ton of fun, but during this activity we did encounter a few problems... first of all, we (as in me and jenni) forgot to put the sugar in the ice cream... ha ha it's not that important right?! Problem #2... We had a blast throwing them around the apartment but it got quite wild. There were newspaper balls flying everywhere and we had a close call with one of the light fixtures, which almost came crashing down ha ha! I recall multiple times when i was hit in the face by two newspaper balls being viciously thrown at me simultaneously! And everyone noticed the black newspaper remnants smeared on my face... but they failed to mention that to me. I didn't notice until much later ha ha. The final problem we had was... well it just didn't work out the way I had imagined. We basically ended up drinking a mixture of cream, milk and sugar, with the exception of Marral and her date who were actually drinking cream, milk, sugar, and salt. But other than all that I'd say it turned out quite well! Ha ha.

Melanie and Steve-0 throwing our "footballs"

Finally, to finish out the night we painted pictures with our feet! Yes, with our feet. It was great fun! Ha ha when we first told the guys to take off their shoes and socks the looks of confusion on their faces were priceless... you can only imagine what their expressions were once we told them that we were painting with our feet! We were a little worried at first for their reaction, but they were all really good sports about it and I think they had fun.

Steve-o and Omar in the tub washing off their feet. Look at how nasty that water looks... yuck!
NOW look at how nasty the tub was once we were all done.....
Sick huh?! It was SO gross, but Jenni is so wonderful and scrubbed it clean. So don't worry, it's nice and spotless now.
The final Masterpieces:

Jess and Richard

Marral and Omar

Jenni and Treygen

James and Melanie

And finally, me and Steve-o!
Well what a fun date! It was so much better than sitting and watching a movie or something... well at least I thought so! I love dates that are active, cheap, and creative. There's no need to spend a lot of money and there are so many fun things you can do without spending a whole lot. It was a blast!