So we had a bit of excitement here in Logan a few days ago... Friday night my friend and I had been in Ogden hanging out with a group of people from my old ward. When we got back into Logan we were shocked to see tons of flashing lights coming from our street. We got closer to see multiple fire trucks, police cars, and other flashing vehicles not only covering our street but in the parking lot of OUR apartment complex!! Come to find out there had been a fire in the attic! By time we got there the fire had been out for a little bit. We had to be escorted into our apartment by a fireman to grab a few things (in the dark... the power was off) and then go find somewhere else to sleep for the night. By Saturday morning we were allowed to come back, but the two apartments on the very end were very damaged... they have a large whole in their roof now...
It's so crazy! They said that it was an electrical fire that started because of the bathroom fan. Here's a link to ksl with the story... The apartments where the fire was are just four apartments down from mine! I can't even imagine... the poor guys who's apartments burned are now homeless and a lot of their stuff is ruined... It's sad, but they all have really good attitudes about the whole situation.
So anyway, that's the latest excitement in my life!
This little Wegner family began May 6, 2011, in the Salt Lake Temple, for time and all eternity. We love to travel, and go on awesome adventures, such as off-roading, hiking, camping, anything outdoors, etc.
I graduated from Utah State University May 2012 with a major in Family, Consumer, and Human Development! I love working with children, especially in the preschool setting. Someday I might open up my own in-home preschool... we'll see. I also really love Photography!!
Jeff graduated from Utah State May 2010 in aviation, and after flight instructing at the Logan Airport for a year and a half, now is a First Officer for SkyWest Airlines! We are excited for this new adventure!