Monday, October 18, 2010

Practicing My Domesticality

First time making homemade wheat bread... And it was a success!

It was kind of time consuming, but the amazingly yummy result is definitely worth it! Yum!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Most of you are probably thinking that I've fallen off the face of the Planet....

....Well I have.

I just realized that it's been over two months since I've updated my blog... Sorry to those who actually read it and care about what's going on in my life. I will try to do better, but now that I'm back in school and working i've just been a busy busy girl. Life has been really good though! I am enjoying my classes this semester, I love where I'm living, and I think that I have the best job ever. But best of all I'm in love with my best friend :). (I apologize for the cheesiness)

Here are some of the highlights of my life the past couple months:

I finally got to go to the Oregon coast and loved it!

Witnessed first hand the domination of the Aggies over BYU for the first time in 17 years :)

Experienced my very first car accident, which sadly resulted in the death of the deeply loved Geo which I was so attached too.... :(

Bought my first very own fishing pole! It's orange.

Finally after 2 1/2 years of living in Logan, "Cleaned the Sink" at Angie's

Lots of hiking and enjoying the beautiful fall colors

But mostly what my life has consisted of is school, work, school, homework, and playing with my man.

Life is Good :)