What a busy, busy week...
Went to one of my high school best friends farewell. Jess Boy (as we call her) is heading off to St. Petersburg, Russia to serve the Lord for 18 months!! I am so excited for her! She's going to be an amazing missionary!
Took two of three finals with free lunch in between at work. Monday night was consumed by hours upon hours of studying for my stats examine the next day.
Work and last final - Psychological statistics, which I aced :) Fall Semester officially over!! (only one more to go!!). Hung out with my high school girls one last time before Jess leaves. Texas Roadhouse for dinner... which unfortunately resulted in me spending at least an hour kneeling at the toilet base... haven't been that close to puking in years!

(I stole this from Melissa, but we are missing Julane here...)
First official day of freedom! Slept in, car shopped a little, and applied for my first credit card!
Went to work for an hour, then off to the dentist to fill the last of my cavities.... I know dentists are great and all, but I sure do hate going. Rest of the day was spent writing wedding thank you cards, and watching psych with a numb/sore face.
Back to the dentist... this time to get my last two wisdom teeth out. Luckily they practically fell out of my mouth! It was a lot less traumatic experience then getting cavities filled ha. And now here I am. However the fun doesn't stop there... tonight we're heading down to Woods Cross to help my mom baby sit my two nieces this weekend! Then tomorrow night we're going to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir thing with Jeff's sister and husband, and then Sunday we've got our family Christmas party!
It's been so nice to not have school and homework! It's weird though to go from being super busy to bored. I sure am excited to have this three week long break though! And a bonus that it's Christmas time :)
Also, more good news... I am not for certain, but I'm feeling a 4.0 coming on!!! Ah yeah! My first of my college career :) Well, let's hope.