In the middle of June we went on vacation with the Wegner family to the Cayman Islands in the Caribbean. Mmm... it was heaven :) Minus the heat and humidity... BUT I actually didn't mind it that much because.. well, we were on an island in the Caribbean.
Here's a bunch of pics from our adventures. It was a great vacation and we had so much fun spending time with Jeff's family! Thanks Mom and Dad Wegner for an awesome trip!! PS... Sorry so many pics, it was hard to narrow them down.

Adventure #1: String Ray City... way cool!
Yes I am kissing that WILD string ray :) Which means 7 years of good luck! Ha ha.

Now "hugging" it...

Jeff "hugging" it... we got to feed them too!

Adventure #2: Turtle Farm!

We saw TONS and TONS of turtles (at all different stages of life)...

Plus one crocodile

Adventure #3: Queen Elizabeths Botanic Gardens

The Blue Iguana is only found on Cayman Islands and they are currently trying to get the population up enough to take them off the endangered species list.

Minutes after joking about this sign, we found...........

This monster under our car ha ha!

He didn't like us chasing him from his cool shady spot as you can see from this pic.

Adventure #4: Kayaking through Bioluminescence!

The Kayaking crew

Lots of snorkeling

Grandpa and Parker

Cute little Brielle and Parker!

Adventure #5: Deep sea Fishing!!
This was on my bucket list and I was way way excited for it! Unfortunately I was expecting a little bit bigger of a boat and we ended up going on the first not-so-great weather day, which resulted in HUGE waves... which then resulted in quite a few near puking moments for myself...

Nick cutting out the Tuna gills to take home for research

Captain Herman! And me with my first deep sea catch. A Tuna!

Jeff's catch... half a tuna! Ha ha

Captain Herman was the best! He came to our hotel afterwards and cooked up our Tuna fish for us. It was SO good! I'm not a huge fish eater but this was way good! And Jeff despises even the smell of tuna... and even HE ate it!

The view from our balcony. So beautiful there... I miss it already.