This last weekend's Adventures left us worn out and sore on Sunday. It was very busy but fun-filled!
Friday Night: Preston Rodeo

We went with my Rodeo buddy and her husband Ryan. Julane was the first one to introduce me to rodeos, and I quickly fell in love with them. I think almost every single rodeo i've been to has been with Julane. Ha!
*We have known each other since 6th grade (or around there...), and have been best friends for Years! Ryan and her got married almost exactly a month after us! It has been so fun to be experiencing the same life stages together.* Sorry, brief side note....

Saturday Morning: Floating the Oneida River!

We had tons of fun floating down the Oneida Narrows saturday morning with a huge group of people. It was tons of fun!

Saturday Night: Rock Climbing

This is Jeff's nervous face... he is afraid of heights... (yes, it is ironic due to the fact that he flies planes thousands of feet above ground).

Jeff's coaches: Cory - One of Jeff's really good friends/old roommate who just got home from his mission, & Staci - One of my best friends/old roomie! We did a little rock climbing double date.
I felt bad because he was literally only about 5 feet off the ground and I was thinking "Come on Jeff, you're not even high!" But... it turns out heights get to me a as well... ha ha.

Harnessed up and ready to go! Don't be deceived by my happy faced... I was terrified before I even started.

Don't be deceived by this happy face either. I'm embarrassed to admit that I had my fare share of threatenings to quit, and we won't even talk about how long I was up there.... ha.
But the important thing is......

....that I Conquered that wall!! (Like an hour later.... he he)
Don't think that I hated every minute of this climb... it was challenging for me, but I decided that I actually really liked it (once I was back on the ground) :) It felt good to make it the top, especially when it was so hard for me.

Cute little Staci... Love this girl!

And then pretty much the two of them (Cory and Stace) seriously showed us wussies up by flying up this "beginner" wall in minutes ha ha. And did it hard core style. But seriously... Cory literally Jumped up this wall. It was neat.

What a Fun weekend! Thanks Cory, Staci, Darrell, Ryan, and Julane and everyone else who contributed to our fun-ness :) Looking forward to this weekend... It's Jeff's birthday on Sunday and I'm probably WAY more excited for it than he is! ha ha!