Things I've discovered since being married...
1) The reality of my sleeping habits. Turns out I'm the problem. Apparently I kick Jeff out of bed quite frequently... and I always thought I was a perfect sleeper!
2) That I'm actually not that great of a cook and that NOTHING tastes nearly as good as when my Mom cooks it.
3) That the concept of "Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise" is actually a truthful saying (well not so sure about the "wealthy" part yet). It's amazing what actually getting enough sleep every night will do for you! So far it's done wonders for me :)
4) That getting married would solve my procrastination and time management problems. I am such a better student being married! Having to balance between school, homework, work, and being a wife has forced me to manage my time better. Therefore, goodbye procrastination!
*Who knew marriage would kick a lot of my bad habits?! Man if someone would've told me that before I would've gotten married long ago! Ha ha ;)