Jeff conveniently had the day of our anniversary off last week (as well as the two days after), so we took the opportunity to celebrate two wonderful years in Portland!
This was Jeff's first time going to Oregon and he was blown away by it's breathtaking beauty. So much so that now he wants to move there :)
(FYI, I didn't take the time to alter my pictures for the Web, so they don't look as good... maybe I will change that later. As of right now I don't feel like re-uploading them ha)
As soon as we got our rental car we headed out to the coast! We ate lunch in Tillamook, then drove out to Cape Meares, and then onto Cape Lookout (in the picture).
On our way back to Portland we saw a sign for a Waterfall ahead and took the short detour to find this beautiful surprise!
We filled the rest of our day with more waterfalls... the famous Multnomah Falls of course!
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. LOVE that bridge.
Wahkeena Falls! This one was probably my favorite.
My cute Jeffrey :)
Annnd... I can't remember the name of this one... Oops! But it was in the same general area as the other ones. It was also very pretty.
For our second day in Portland we stuck around the city until our flight that evening.
We first visited the International Rose Test Gardens...
...and saw lots and lots of lovely..... bushes. And rose buds. Luckily it was free, because apparently we were a bit too early for the roses :(
Next we ventured up to the Pittock Mansion. Unfortunately the prices were a bit too steep for us to take the tour of the inside, but it was a Beautiful house with a Beautiful view!

Gorgeous view of Portland. And a snow topped Mt. Hood (I think) way out there beneath those clouds.
(might be able to see it better if you click on the pic to enlarge it)
Our last place to visit was Fort Vancouver across the river in Washington.
It was.... nice. Ha.
We got all the way up to the fort to realize that they actually wanted us to pay, then walked back to our car to get cash, just to walk all the way back. All of that so we could barely step foot into a couple buildings and peek into the windows and yank on all the doors of the ones that were closed. Needless to say... apparently it's once again the wrong time of year ha ha.
The coolest part was the watch tower with all these cannons and windows up top.
Uh oh. Looks like someone's been naughty...
There's a lot more to Fort Vancouver than just the actually fort part. Most of the buildings are closed/being worked on, or are homes, stores, businesses, and we were also running short on time.
This building was the hospital! I'm a sucker for old buildings. I love them. I wanted to go explore it so bad, but they had it closed up. Looked like they were working on making it structurally sound and fixing it up.
So anyway, we had a blast in Portland. Oregon is beautiful and we got lucky with two gorgeously sunny days.