Wednesday, February 5, 2014

27 Down.....

......13 to GO!!

I will be 27 weeks along tomorrow.  For those who "weeks" mean nothing to them... I am 6 months, with almost exactly 3 months to go!  It's so crazy... it seems so far away, yet SO very close.  

Pregnancy Timeline:

September 17 - First (+) pregnancy test

(only 2 weeks after just moving into our ONE bedroom apt, and signing a 12 month lease... yup we've got great timing :)

October 10 - First Pre-natal Appointment & First Ultrasound!

I was pretty convinced that I could not possibly be any further than 7 weeks (including the two weeks they add on)..... nope.... 10 Weeks!!  I was shocked ha.

 It was amazing to get our first glimpse of our tiny "gummy bear" and hear it's heartbeat!

I made Jeff take pictures because I was SURE I was showing ha!

16 Weeks (Thanksgiving Week) - Second Ultrasound!  

So amazing to see our little one squirm around and be able to see distinct body parts!  Really starting to look like a baby :) 

December 1 (17 Weeks) - I felt the baby move for the first time!!  (or at least finally recognized it :)

I was sitting in sacrament meeting at church, and wasn't sure if what I was feeling actually was movement.... but after a couple days I realized it was for sure!  What an amazing experience.

December 10 - Jeff felt his baby move for the first time!!

Only a week and a couple days after I felt it, Jeff was able to feel it as well.  What a special moment it was.  It was so sweet to see the awe in his eyes as he gasped every time he felt a kick, exclaiming "I felt it!"  He's going to be an amazing dad and I'm so grateful for our little family!

December 18 - Our big 20 week Ultrasound, and........

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 We went out and bought her first outfit to celebrate!  We are pretty darn excited :)

We were actually pretty confident that it was a girl going into our ultrasound... well, Jeff was confident and I was just mostly really hoping for a girl (and hoping that Jeff was right ha).  

She was at first a bit uncooperative and the nurse was having a hard time getting a good look.  Then the umbilical cord was going right in between her legs so the nurse told us girl, but wasn't super confident... Finally we got a good look and the nurse was 100% sure it was a girl!

Every thing looked great and she was growing right on schedule.  I just love being able to see her and make sure all is well.

 Front view of her face!

And a profile view in 3D - with some legs in there as well.  Silly girl was completely bent in half ha.

Sorry, not the best picture, but finally starting to really show :)

And then it was like I popped out overnight!  I'm sure the extra billion pounds I gained over Christmas, New Years, and a trip to Boston/D.C. helped out ha ha :) 

It's so fun to finally actually be looking pregnant!  I have to say, I have been very blessed all throughout this pregnancy.  I have really loved being pregnant and I still LOVE feeling our little girl wiggle around inside me!  It's the most incredible thing ever.  She is getting stronger and she get's the hiccups sometimes :)  

We are SO in love already and are SO excited to meet our little girl in 3 short months!