Our ward had a ski/snowboard night last Saturday and up until Saturday morning I was only planning on sitting in the lodge while everyone else was out having fun. Ha ha yeah doesn't sound that exciting to me now... I don't know what I was thinking. I always told myself that I never wanted to try snowboarding or skiing because it just didn't sound fun and the thought scared me a little. Somehow my dear roommate Jess convinced me hours before we left to try snowboarding... and so I did it! And guess what?? I LOVED it!!!! I decided that I need to live life to the fullest and if I'm too chicken to try something new then that's a good enough reason alone, to just go out and do it!

This is our car ride up Logan canyon. We went to Beaver Mountain for night skiing. They only had one hill we could go down but it was nice and little so I didn't mind. Todd, Jess, and myself are in back, then David (passenger) and Kyle (driver).

Ha ha ha ha... Ok this picture just cracks me up! Oh poor David was so nice to help me. This was my first run down the hill and David stuck with me and taught me how to do it. I had the hardest time getting up on my feet so he would get behind me and push me up. In this picture, he picked me up then we kind of just started sliding down the mountain. Ha ha I'm sure we looked pretty ridiculous but I'm quite grateful to him and his patience :) I did get better though I promise!
Taking a quick dinner break inside the lodge.

Ha ha Todd's face makes me laugh!

Darrell and myself at the top of the mountain strapping ourselves in.
At the end of our adventurous day... It was such a fun trip and I'm so glad that I wasn't lame and sat in the lodge. And despite all the soreness and pain I experienced for days after, it was so worth it! Ha I was seriously SO sore!! I don't think I've ever been that sore in my entire life. My whole body just hurt to move... ha anyway I loved it despite the pain!
You are brave. I've skied (though not since high school ...it's probably been 10 years at least) but never dared try snowboarding. That pic of your friend trying to help you up is so funny!!
Thanks for sharing your snowboarding adventure. It looks like fun! I'm glad you were brave. Thank David for me for helping you!!
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