Last Sunday I got to go home and see my niece Taya and play with my family just for the day. We drove down in the morning and I went to a friend's farewell who is going to the Boston, Massachusetts Cambodia Speaking mission. Ha ha who would've thought there are really that many Cambodians in Massachusetts. I remember watching my older siblings all go to farewells when I was young and I thought that they were so old! Now here I am going to many farewells of people my age and it's so weird! It seems like everyday I hear about someone from my graduating class getting their mission call. It's kind of sad but great to see all these young men go out and serve the Lord and to see how excited they are to go. I have a great respect for the guys (and girls) who are so willing to dedicate two years of their life to go out to an unknown place and preach the gospel!
Anyway, my sister and her family came up that day too and we all went and visited Mike and Maridee. Taya is SO precious and she has huge dimples!! I was holding her on my lap at one point and she was just staring at me sitting so peacefully. She is the sweetest little thing. Lexie was pretty funny because at first she was intrigued by little Taya and would sit and look at her but then Taya would start to cry and she did not like that. Then whenever her mom would try to hold Taya she would get quite jealous and start crying. She did not want to share her mommy.
The men got a little bored... but like usual they found random ways to entertain themselves. They started out with a unique game of throw random baby toys across the room into a bucket (also known as "throw toys across the room and see how many times you can hit Jessica").
As soon as they got sick of that super exciting game, they moved onto hackie sack, which then developed into "keep away from Lexie."
1 comment:
Leave it to the men to find a way to entertain themselves. It does take much for us! ha jk
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