Ok so here are the highlights from this last weekend...
- Friday was all around a Wonderful day! The weather was perfect and I wore a t-shirt, shorts and flip flops for the first time in many months. It was so great! I spent as much time as I possibly could outside and got my first "good" sunburn of the year. I feel pretty proud of the tan lines I now have :) Me and my roommate went to a park and played around in the sun, then we walked up on campus and hung out on the Quad for a little bit. Then to finish out the last little bit of sunshine me and my two roommates went and had a picnic at the top of Old Main. It was SO beautiful! We were sitting on the hill with a view of the temple, mountains, and the valley! It was gorgeous!!
- Later that night I went out on a casual date with a friend of mine in my ward. He had to drop off some things to people all around the area for work so I just rode along to keep him company. We were out in the middle of nowhere... AKA "Benson" (a city west of Logan) and we decided to go stargazing since it was such a beautiful night. We could see so many stars in the sky! There was a slight country aroma and a cool breeze. Only fields surrounded us for miles and far off in the distance you could see the glow of the temple as well as the rest of Logan. Sounds of croaking frogs and an occasional goose filled the air. It was so beautiful and peaceful! I really enjoyed it. I just love being in the outdoors! It really made my desire to go camping lately grow so much stronger.

Camping with my family many years ago in the Uintas, which is where we usually go.
- Saturday was the reinstatement of the Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch Tradition! Sometime last semester, me and my roommate Jessica discovered that we both really loved peanut butter cap'n crunch, so we began a tradition of eating it together at night outside on our porch/patio/balcony thing. Once the weather turned cold we would sometimes have a bowl late at night inside of our warm apartment, but eventually it just died. In honor of the warm spring air we reinstated this tradition on Saturday night!! Ha ha and that's about the extent of our excitement for that entire day.
- Sunday was a great day too! I had to teach the relief society lesson which went really well. I felt really good about it, which is opposite of how I usually feel so that was good! Church was only two hours long and we started a lot earlier because of the Draper temple dedication so that was a nice change. Then we went to the dedication which was really long since we had to sit and wait for an hour an a half, but it was a cool experience and I really enjoyed it.
- My final highlight of the weekend was Sunday night. All of us roommates sat down and played catch phrase together for an hour or so. Now this may not sound that significant but it truly is. We are all good friends and have a lot of fun together and get along really well but we don't ever spend that much time just as us girls. Most of the time spent of us all together is watching movies or eating food ha ha. It was so much fun to just play together and we were laughing SO hard! P.S. I was the champion of Catch Phrase :)

Here we all are: The Jenni's, the Jessica's, and M & M - Marral and Melanie :)
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