Recap of the year 2011 in the lives of Jeff and Jessica Wegner:
March 1: Engaged!!

April 2011: Celebrated one year of dating at Baby Animal Days
May 6: When our story began...
May 2011: Honeymoon in Park City/Jackson Hole
June 4: Best friend Julane and Ryan married in the Bountiful Temple
June: Grand Cayman vacation with the Wegners
June: Wolf Creek vacation with the Raus (plus my 21st birthday!)
July: Redd reunion and Mesa Verde trip
August 7: Jeff turned 25! And caught a fish :)
August: 2nd annual Willard Peak Meteor Shower campout!
October: New York trip and Jeff's cousin's wedding!
November: Best friend/old roomie Jenni got married!
November: Thanksgiving with the Wegners in Colorado
December: One of my high school best friends, Jess Boy left for Russia to serve the Lord for a year and a half!
December 25: First married Christmas together :)