Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Rau Christmas

Yes it's kinda late... but Merry Christmas to you all!
Christmas day proved to be a very busy one beginning at 8:00 am and not ending until 3:00 am :) A day filled with lots of presents, family, food, and lots of laughs!

We started the day off with presents of course!
Strangely enough, Matt has loved drinking lemon juice since he was a little boy.

One of the clocks in my mom's kitchen fell off the shelf and shattered just a couple weeks before Christmas, so we got her a new one!

It was our first married Christmas and it was SO fun! We mostly loved doing each others stockings ha ha.

The racquetball men

After presents and sacrament meeting, we stopped at Grandma's on our way down to Mapleton. We watched her open all of her presents, and this little dog had us laughing forever! It's called a Chuckle Buddy and it would roll around on the floor while laughing. Grandma just loved it and thought it was so cute! I think we had a little too much fun at Grandma's place ha ha.

Half of us who were at Grandma's

We finally made our way down to the Mapleton siblings where we opened more presents at Mike and Maridee's house then went next door to Katie and Danny's to eat a big meal, dessert, then games of course - can't have a Rau get-together without games :)

Grandma Rau and the newest addition, baby Luke!

I thought this was so adorable! Jeff was just laying on the floor then Brynlee randomly ran over and laid down next to him ha. She is so stinkin' cute!

Two tired boys after a long Christmas day

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