I feel like we are just a couple of Nomads these days. Our belongings are spread out over three different locations... here in Crestline, my parents basement, and a storage unit in Bountiful. As you can imagine this often gets quite confusing. There have been many times when a lack of communication (Jeff wanting to leave something at my parents house and me taking it to Cali) has led to some occasions of Jeff having to wear my dad's floppy clown shoes to work, or his uniform to church - the shoes was the best though ha ha.
While we are living in Crestline, we are probably gone more than we are actually here. This last week was especially busy! Within the last 10 days we have slept in our own bed 3 of those nights. Last Saturday Jeff got a one night trip to San Luis Obispo, CA so I decided to tag along! We arrived at our hotel (on the beach!) around noon and then had the rest of the day to play! San Luis Obispo is a beautiful area and the hotel was right along these gorgeous cliffs (see below).
I felt like a creepster snapping pictures of Jeff in his plane before they took off to LA... but I did it anyway ha ha.
So we got back from that trip on Sunday, and then Monday morning decided to fly out to Utah to surprise my lil' bro (who's not so little anymore) for his 13th birthday!! They were gone to a movie when we showed up so we decorated the house a bit and then hid in the dark before they got home. Boy did we surprise him ha ha! It was great.
On an unrelated side note......
Does this not look like that creepy fish from Finding Nemo?? The one with the big scary teeth and a light hanging in front of his face?
So grown up!
And yummy pies instead of cake!
On Tuesday we did a bunch of errands, watched the election stuff, and visited with one of my high school best friends that I haven't seen a little while.
Wednesday..... what a fantastic day. Full of much laughter and wonderful friends! We finally got a chance to go up to Logan and visit a bunch of people we haven't seen in a while. Jeff dropped me off on campus so I could go visit my old work while he went out to the airport. It was so good to go back and see everyone!! I have so many great memories at that place and we always had lots of fun! We also visited one of my old roomies and very dear friend Cherokee. She cracks me up so much I just love her. Then we met up with my other high school best friend and her hubby and went to dinner and chatted until it was time to go. Good, good times in Logan :)
On Thursday, we didn't do much other than hang out at my parents house... then we flew back to Cali on Friday... ya know, we had such awesome weather while in Utah, but had to leave once it started snowing ha ha.
Saturday we drove down to Mission Viejo for dinner with Jeff's grandparents, aunt, uncle, and brother and his family. It was fun to see and visit with everyone!
Ya know what's really great about getting married? You inherit a whole other family!! And if you're as lucky as me, then they are just as Awesome as your own family. I sure do feel blessed!
Life Is Good.
Ya know what's really great about getting married? You inherit a whole other family!! And if you're as lucky as me, then they are just as Awesome as your own family. I sure do feel blessed!
Life Is Good.
1 comment:
Jess you make me laugh, I love your blog. It sounds like things are going so good for you guys! You guys are having such wonderful adventures, I love the pictures you post. The next time you in Utah give me a call and we could do dinner! I would love to see you!
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