Monday, August 19, 2013

One Year Older...

...and Wiser Too!  Well.... that's debatable :)

Jeff had his 27th birthday a couple weeks ago and luckily he had the day off so we could celebrate!

His actual present is soon to come and I felt bad that he didn't have anything to open on his birthday so I wrapped up clues about the birthday activities I had planned for the night.

 Swedish Fish = Aquarium (something he's been begging to do for months now)

 Canned Chili = Dinner ha.... at Chili's!

 The last one was quite the stretch... hence the confused look on his face.
Hot Tomales = Bowling....? 
(I put a picture of a bowling ball on there... tomales are kind of like pins if you stand them up...?  yeah, told you it was a stretch ha)

We used our Pass of All Passes for the first time and both had quite the lucky night!  Yeah, we both totally set new records.  Well.. actually I have no clue what my "record" was ha... but we were on FIRE! 
(hey there's a connection - hot tomales...Fire.. get it? :)

 Homemade Oreo Ice Cream pie for dessert ...after already eating our very rich and very free fh'zookie dessert at Chili's... don't judge.  Can't turn down free :)

 Getting tired of pictures he he... but I had to get one with the traditional family gift bag!  Graduating Class of 2000 ha.  It makes an appearance at pretty much every birthday :)

And last but not least Goldfish Mac & Cheese.  I have no clue where my Mom found these, but talk about PERFECT for this boy!  These must've been made just for Jeff :)

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