Saturday May, 3 Jeff and I went to a wedding reception for a college friend up in Brigham City. We got home late at night and climbed into bed about Midnight. That's when my contractions started. They were painful but not awful and were coming about every 8 minutes or so.
The next few hours (unable to sleep) I spent switching from bed, to couch, to walking around the living room, while also keeping track of my contractions. We, of course, were trying to figure out when we needed to go to the hospital. We really did not want to be one of those first time parents who goes in too soon and gets sent home ha. We waited so long at home because even though my contractions were getting closer and stronger they were still very sporadic and inconsistent. From everything we were reading online it sounded more like "false labor"... psh. Now I know not to listen to the internet.
5:30 AM: My contractions were very painful and about every 5-2 minutes, though still sporadic and inconsistent.
6:15 AM: Jeff finally called my doctor, explained the situation, and he said it was probably a good time to go in.
6:30 AM: Off to the hospital! It all felt very surreal... While gathering our things to head out the door, my contractions slowed way down and hardly hurt anymore. I started to hesitate and question whether or not we really should go in. All you moms out there are probably laughing at me - I don't know why I was so paranoid about going in too early. Ha. We decided it'd be best to go anyway :)
7:00 AM: Arrived at the hospital. My contractions were still slowed down. I felt silly walking in to the hospital feeling mostly fine, so I tried to look more in pain than I actually was :)
7:25 AM: All settled in our labor and delivery room. Still not feeling as bad as I had at home, I held my breath while the nurse checked me.... we were all very surprised (even the nurse I think ha) to hear that I was already dilated to 4 cm, 80-90% effaced, and her head was very low. The nurse said that we were ready to go! She called in my doctor and the anesthesiologist.
8:05 AM: Received my epidural, and the anesthesiologist turned out to be our neighbor ha! Ugh, I did not like getting the epidural... I do NOT like needles, blood, shots, etc. Thankfully I couldn't see anything that was going on. However, unfortunately Jeff could.... Ha! I almost lost my husband there for a minute :)
Getting the epidural was weird... I did not like the going numb tingling sensation as I slowly lost feeling in my entire lower half. So weird... However, I did appreciate the fact that I could no longer feel any pain :)
8:20 AM: Doctor came in, broke my water and checked me again. Once again we were all surprised to hear that I was now dilated to an 8! I went from 4 cm to 8 cm in just under an hour! The doctor also commented on how low her head was and said "This baby is coming! You're having this baby... this morning!"
Waiting... we had about an hour to kill before the doctor returned. The epidural made my blood pressure drop which made me feel SUPER tired, I could hardly keep my eyes open. I wanted to sleep (and I tried too), but I was just too excited. It also made me feel so weak and a bit nauseated, but not too bad. I was super hungry and really shaky too...
9:23 AM: Doctor came back, checked me again... 9 cm! It was GO Time!!
9:57 AM: Started pushing!
10:37 AM: After 40 minutes of pushing (and a vacuum to suck her out), Madelyn Sarah Wegner finally made her arrival into the world! And despite the fact that she was a bluish color and covered in nasty white cottage cheese goo, she was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. It's impossible for me to describe the emotions that overcame me as I caught my first glimpses of my baby girl.
Weight: 8 lbs 2 oz
Height: 20.5 in
Born: Sunday May 4, 2014
Time: 10:37 AM
The birthing process was a bit rough on the two of us... she broke her collar bone on her way out :( Apparently everyone in the room heard it "pop" when it broke, except (thankfully) me. She was also a bit too big for me... and we'll just leave it at that... :/
On the scale - Big girl!
All cleaned up!
That night my entire family came up to visit and meet Madelyn! Yes 9 adults and 7 little ones in a tiny hospital room makes for a bit a chaotic time ha ha (the twins eventually got exiled to the waiting room to work out their wiggles :). But it was fun to see everyone and watch them meet out baby girl for the first time :)
All the girls loved holding Maddie!
She was wide awake the whole time
Even Luke wanted some baby action :) He was pretty funny and got really excited about holding her ha ha.
First family photo :)
Tiny toes!
Her going home outfit
So tiny!
The day we went home also happened to be our 3 year anniversary! I seriously couldn't think of any better way to celebrate 3 years than by bringing our 2 day old baby girl home for the first time and snuggling all day long :) We didn't do anything special to celebrate, but it was by far the most special anniversary we've had yet.
I love my family and we are so in love with our little Madelyn. Life couldn't get any better :)
1 comment:
Yay I have been waiting for this! She is so darn adorable!
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