Monday, August 19, 2013

Twinkle, Twinkle Little (Shooting) Star

 With the truck back in Utah and mostly working... we've finally, FINALLY been able to satisfy our Off-roading cravings.  Ahhh.. it felt so good to get out exploring the beauty that is right in our back yard!!

 We explored Farmington Canyon for the first time and took Skyline Dr. all the way to Bountiful.  We've tried this road before (from the Bountiful end) and got less than half way before we ran into a "road closed" sign. 

 About a week later we ventured back up Farmington Canyon and found a perfect camping spot to sleep out under the stars (in the back of the truck) for the meteor shower.  We were a little concerned, with all the smoke and clouds, that we wouldn't even be able to see any, but we decided to try it out anyway.

It wasn't quite as good at first, but we both ended up waking up around 2 am and watched the sky for another hour and a half or so.  The sky had finally cleared up and we saw SO many!  Some Huge ones as well! 

It was perfection. 
Our beloved "Turbo"... and so much sexier without the shell on :)

One Year Older...

...and Wiser Too!  Well.... that's debatable :)

Jeff had his 27th birthday a couple weeks ago and luckily he had the day off so we could celebrate!

His actual present is soon to come and I felt bad that he didn't have anything to open on his birthday so I wrapped up clues about the birthday activities I had planned for the night.

 Swedish Fish = Aquarium (something he's been begging to do for months now)

 Canned Chili = Dinner ha.... at Chili's!

 The last one was quite the stretch... hence the confused look on his face.
Hot Tomales = Bowling....? 
(I put a picture of a bowling ball on there... tomales are kind of like pins if you stand them up...?  yeah, told you it was a stretch ha)

We used our Pass of All Passes for the first time and both had quite the lucky night!  Yeah, we both totally set new records.  Well.. actually I have no clue what my "record" was ha... but we were on FIRE! 
(hey there's a connection - hot tomales...Fire.. get it? :)

 Homemade Oreo Ice Cream pie for dessert ...after already eating our very rich and very free fh'zookie dessert at Chili's... don't judge.  Can't turn down free :)

 Getting tired of pictures he he... but I had to get one with the traditional family gift bag!  Graduating Class of 2000 ha.  It makes an appearance at pretty much every birthday :)

And last but not least Goldfish Mac & Cheese.  I have no clue where my Mom found these, but talk about PERFECT for this boy!  These must've been made just for Jeff :)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Pioneer Day

We had a pretty fun and eventful Pioneer Day/Week this year.... here's what we did:

Monday evening we drove down to Orem and our good friends Darrell and Kaela took us 4-wheeling in Saratoga Springs! 

We drove up to the top of the mountains east of Saratoga and had this awesome view!

Tuesday night we went to the Days of 47 Rodeo!  

Wednesday (Pioneer Day) we headed down to Mapleton to spend the holiday with my siblings and their families.  We went down there last year too!  I actually really like Mapleton's 24th of July (and of course it's always fun to hang out with my family :).

Matt, Brynlee, Katie, Carlie and Brooke enjoying the morning parade

Grandma and Lexie

Notice Luke's face.... ha ha!  That's his "smile."

Carlie & Brooke - Growing up so fast!

After the parade we went to the park for a carnival.  We had some yummy lunch and had fun watching the nieces and nephew play carnival games.  We hung out at my brother and sister's houses while the kids napped, then some of us went and watched the fireworks.  

We had a great view from an empty culdesac (no houses built yet) and it was probably the best firework show i've seen.  I had read somewhere that Mapleton's fireworks were supposed to top the Stadium of Fire show... and I was not disappointed!  They were pretty impressive!