Friday, October 26, 2012

Double Trouble

My sisters twins were born in September and are now a month old!  They are just the sweetest little things and I can't get enough of them!  Since they were born a month early, they had to be in the NICU for a couple weeks.  They got to come home but have been on oxygen since.  Within the last few weeks Jeff has gone on a couple 4 day trips so I flew to Utah and my mom and I spent those days in Mapleton helping my sister out.  It's kinda crazy to think my sister went from a family of 4 to a family of 6!  Crazy crazy!  I can't imagine having twins... it sure is a lot of work! 

Brynlee loves her little sisters and was pleasantly surprised to see two babies brought home instead of one!  

 Bath Time!

 I'm pretty sure Brooke is on the left and Carlie on the right..... I think.  Ha.  
Such tiny little things!

On our first trip down there my mom and sister made lots of fun cookies with the girls.  I love these "owl cookies" that my mom used to make with us when we were little.

With the girls being hooked up to oxygen it is easiest to have them sleep in the living room and when ever you hold/feed them you are tethered to the corner.  We ended up having one big sleepover with the babies in their crib, me on the couch and my mom and Katie on an air mattress on the floor.

On our last trip (just last weekend) we decided to stay an extra day so that Katie and Danny could go to church together in the morning and we would stay home with the babies.  Well it's a really good thing we decided to stay, but they didn't make it to church... they ending up taking Brooke to the ER at one in the morning because her oxygen levels were low.  They were able to go back home  on Sunday afternoon and she is doing better now.

We definitely had our hands full, but we had a great time and I sure miss those precious things!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Little Bit of This and That...

This is kind of a random catch up post, because as usual I have neglected my blog for the past month.  I could ramble off a list of excuses... except I don't really have any good ones.  

Here's a bit of what we've been up to the past month or so:

 The very first thing we did in Cali was go to the beach of course!  
(Newport Beach)

 We are about an hour and a half from the coast.  However, in california language that translates into 2 and a half hours of traffic.  

There is a Park City type destination about 45 minutes from us called Big Bear Lake.  It's got a couple small ski resorts, lots of cabins, outdoor adventures, and a big lake!  Oh, and apparently bears too...?  
 We found this big guy after we refused to pay 17 dollars for this itty-bitty zoo, and instead drove around the premises.  Here we are peaking through a crack in the fence ha ha.  Check out those claws!  I would hate to catch this guy in a bad mood.

 We took a short and sweet hike to "Heart Rock" in Crestline.  Apparently it's completely natural, and there is usually a waterfall coming down just to the right.  We also had our first encounter with a rather large rattle snake!  Freaked me out pretty good.

 It took many attempts to try to actually get a picture of us with the heart in the pic as well.  Meanwhile, we're standing on the edge of this huge cliff... Yikes!

 We got lucky this month and Jeff ended up with the first 6 days of October off, which allowed us to finally take a trip out to St. Louis to spend a few days with the in-laws, and then back to Utah for my cousin Jen's wedding.
While in St. Louis we went to a Cardinals baseball game.  Going to a baseball game was a new experience for me.  Honestly I was surprised at how much I really did enjoy it.  Though it would've been more enjoyable had they won the night we went... Now the Cards are in the playoffs only a couple games away from a shot at winning the World Series for the second year in a row!  

 And our most recent excitement was DisneyLand with Jeff's bro and sis, their spouses and cute lil' kiddos!  We had a blast!  And it was so fun to be able to go with them!

Apparently this is what I would look like if I were trapped in an elevator falling to my death......
I didn't even know I could make my neck do that... ha ha.  We even tested it twice and got the same results. Same exact face both times.  It didn't get any less scary.