Tuesday, January 21, 2014

And Some More Big News....

I'm only like 2 & 1/2 months late on this announcement.... buuuuuut if you haven't already heard our big news...

We're having a BABY!!!!!!!!!

We are pretty darn excited to meet our little one and can hardly wait until May! :)

Big News!

Earlier this month we received some very exciting and surprising news...... Jeff got awarded a transition to the Jet in Salt Lake!  In other words (or in normal career terms)... he got a "promotion" of sorts!  During the entire month of February and the first half of March he will be training to fly the CRJ - an upgrade from the tiny turbo prop plane he currently flies to a 50-70 seater Jet.

This news came as a HUGE shock to us..... Jeff has always had his name on the list to fly the CRJ out of Salt Lake, just waiting for a spot to open up.  However, they were estimating zero spots to open up in February so we weren't even thinking about it.  Then he randomly received a congratulatory email telling him that he would start training in February!  

Hopefully training this time around will be much less stressful for Jeff and luckily it's all done right here in Salt Lake!  He will be home every night and will have the weekends off (with the exception of some studying of course).  It will be a bit weird for him to have "normal" 8-5 work hours for a little while ha ha, but it will be nice.

Honestly, my first reaction to this announcement was not excitement... my mind was whirling with total shock and anxiousness.  However, we have to come to recognize what a huge blessing this is for us.  The timing is really quite perfect.  I always find great comfort in the fact that Heavenly Father is looking out for us and with his eternal perspective, knows what's best for us.

Jeff is not quite as thrilled to go through training again, but we are very excited for him to begin this new adventure in his career!  He is very excited to fly a bigger airplane and for the potential to fly all across the country (instead of just to Wyoming, Nevada, and Colorado :).

I love my handsome Pilot! :)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

On the Friday after Christmas my sister and her family came up to my parents house to go to Temple Square and watch the BYU bowl game.  We had a fun time at Temple Square, though due to a grumpy  (but very adorable) 15 month old it was cut a bit short.

A very bundled up Brooke

 Not the best picture, but I love Carlie's cheese face!

 I just love these two cuties!  They are so hilarious and entertaining to watch interact with one another!

 We had a great time at Temple Square looking at all the lights freezing our buns off... I didn't even think about bringing a beanie, so luckily my six-year old niece was willing to share hers with me.

On the Monday before New Years we met up with some friends from Logan in Salt Lake and went to dinner then a Jazz game.  We had a great time (even though we couldn't get seats right next to each other) and the Jazz even won!  Fun times!

For New Years Eve we spent the night with our besties Ryan and Julane (and their adorable little 3 month old), their parents, and my parents.  We had dinner, and spent lots of time chatting and playing games!  It was a great way to kick off the New Year!  

2013 was a definitely a good year and i'm always excited to see what the next year will bring.  2014 has already brought us some interesting surprises and I can't wait to see what other great new adventures await us!

Christmas Festivities

This year Jeff surprised me with tickets to the Forgotten Carols!  I love the Forgotten Carols and Jeff had never seen it before.  It was fantastic as always and Jeff loved it as well!

Some of our other Christmas festivities included making a Gingerbread "village" with our good friend (old roomie) Jenni!  And if you can't tell... Jeff was in charge of the two tall roofs :)

Me, Jenni, and our beautiful creation

Jeff was going strong until about 11... ha.  And this is where he ended up for the rest of the night :)

Every Christmas that we've been married it hasn't been worth it to get a xmas tree since we usually weren't home for much of the holiday.  This year we were very excited to get our very first Christmas tree!!  (real of course :) It smelled heavenly... mmmm!  And if it looks like there aren't any ornaments on it... well that's because we only have six ornaments ha :)

We loved our cute little tree!

This year we spent Christmas at my parents house!  Even though we live only 15 minutes away now, we stayed the night on Christmas Eve and Christmas night so we could stay up late playing games.

For the month of December, Jeff chose to do reserve (be on call) for work so that he actually had a chance of having Christmas off.  Unfortunately he ended up having to fly on Christmas day, but it actually worked out just fine and definitely could've been worse.  He was only gone from 9 to 4, so we all woke up early to open presents before he left - he really only missed nap time :).

 I'm excited to try out my new sewing machine!

 Jeff's favorite present :)

 A bubble headed Chris

After presents Jeff left, many of us took naps/enjoyed our new Christmas loot, made food for dinner that night, then headed down to Mapleton to spend the night with my siblings down there.  We got to see all of the grandkids' christmas loot, and then when Jeff got there we exchanged presents, had dinner, chatted, and played games.  It's always a great time when we all get together!
Jeff was VERY excited to finally have the Super Mario Bros game on the wii, and was often giggling while he tried it out for the first time ha ha.  Funny boy.