Thursday, October 13, 2011

Crazy Coincidence

I was having a serious craving for Olive Garden yesterday, so I convinced Jeff that we needed to go.

Coincidence #1: We were seated at the exact same table that we sat at on our very, very first date (we're talking pre-dating days, so this was not our second first date, aka the truck rolling one ha). It brought back a flood of wonderful memories from that night and from our dating days.

As we continued reminiscing we realized that that very first date to Olive Garden was TWO years ago! It's so crazy to me that it was that long ago.

Coincidence #2: We then realized that it was probably Exactly two years ago! I tried so hard to remember the actual day we went... but we're pretty sure it was in the beginning of October!

It was perfect. I think I was inspired. Actually I was. When I was watching a show on Hulu, commercials for Olive Garden kept coming on ha ha. Pretty sure it was meant to be :)

The funny thing about that first date was that I actually shot Jeff down after dinner that night... he was having a good time so he asked if I wanted to do anything else and i'm pretty sure I pulled the "I think I was going to do something with my roommates" excuse ha ha. He gave up on me that night :) Pretty sure I am never going to live that down.

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