Thursday, August 4, 2011

The "Wagners"

This last Sunday during sacrament meeting we were introduced as the "Wagners." Jeff smiled, and then whispered to me, "Get used to it." :) So I get to go from a name like Rau that everyone seems to struggle with, to Wegner where no one can seem to see that there is an "E" ha ha.

I just now (3 months later...) began the whole name changing process... ha ha. On Monday we went into the DMV to get my new license. I got my picture, smile was good, and everything was going ok. Until... I had to sign my name. After finishing the Jessica part I realized that I had to sign Wegner instead of Rau... ha. Most of the space was already taken up and I got flustered and kind of just scribbled it out... ha.

This is how it turned out....

Kinda' embarrassing... ha. But that is definitely "Wagner"! Ha ha Oooops! :)

For my last bit of news: Thursday was my last day at my practicum... it is Bitter-sweet. It's so nice to now be done with it and have a few weeks of a summer, but I am going to miss those little kiddos! It was a great experience for me and I learned a lot, and those children were adorable! But it is nice to be done. My other online class is pretty much done as well. I've just got a test next week and that's it for my summer semester! Wahoo!

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