Monday, December 5, 2011

The End is Near... Oh So Near.

Last. Week. Of. This. Semester....!!! YAY! I can hardly control my excitement! Nearly one semester down, only ONE more to go! I can't believe that I am near the end of my school career... I have always been in school.... it is going to be very, very weird to not have it anymore.

The more it begins to sink in, the more excited I get, but also the more I realize how much I'm going to miss school... and my campus job, and the people I work with :( This Fall semester has been my busiest for sure, however it hasn't been crazy because I've been so on top of everything lately. I've kicked procrastination out the window, which I accredit to being married :)

It's weird though because literally my life has been go to school in the morning (go to classes and work in between), come home around 4/4:30, eat a snack, do homework for hours, make dinner, clean up after dinner, maybe some more homework, then bed. So this week has been weird since my semester is winding down, I haven't really had hours of homework to do (hence the reason I am blogging right now :).... which has resulted in boredom and a lot of wasted time ha ha. It's funny how that works - I am very productive when I have tons to do, but when I have nothing to do productivity is gone.


Katie said...

Every era change is weird. No more school after 17 years straight was a strange one and still almost 8 years later I have my moments when I miss being in school....BUT then my sanity returns and I remember how GLORIOUS it is to be done with that phase of life. You'll love the next phase of life as much (if not more) than the school phase.

Katie said...

PS You updated your profile---go you! Maybe next you'll change your last name on the title of your blog. :) He he he....