Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Tribute To The Cutest Pilot I Know

It was one year ago that Jeff was just beginning weeks of exhaustive and stressful training.  Now here we are, having officially survived that dreaded first year of a regional airline pilot career.  It's certainly been an adventure, and yes, at times quite stressful, but we survived. 

I can't think of a better way to celebrate one year than for Jeff to FINALLY be transferred to Salt Lake City!!!!!  

I couldn't help but shed tears of joy!  After one very long year of waiting for this, and Jeff suffering through commuting, the day has finally come.
(and perfect timing too... now that Palm Springs, CA has reached it's 110 degrees days... Yuck!)

 I know it hasn't been easy and it's certainly added a few gray hairs to his head... but I'm so grateful for Jeff and his patience, perseverance, and hard work while bearing through the stress and less desirable aspects of his career!  I love my pilot.  

Beginning July 1st Jeff will be based right here in Salt Lake.  We are thrilled!  So much relief and so much gratitude. 

It's a good day.


Anonymous said...

Yeah! That's awesome. Congrats. :-)

Maeghan Howe said...

Yay!That will be so exciting for you guys to be able to see each other more!