Sunday, February 8, 2009

Snowshoeing #2

We went on another Snowshoeing adventure on last Saturday up Logan Canyon.  The canyon was so BEAUTIFUL!!  I just loved it so much!  We snowshoed around at the top of the canyon which was only a few miles from Bear Lake.  The funny thing is, is that Friday night (just the night before our snowshoeing trip) me and Jess went on a date and they took us up to Bear Lake to a cabin up there. So we got spoiled that weekend :) Two trips to Bear Lake in two days!

This is Bear Lake... yes it's there I promise.  Somewhere beneath that thick layer of fog...

Ah so gorgeous!!  LOVE IT!

Kyle, me, and my roommate Jess.. Todd is taking the pic, of us taking pictures :)

We walked over to these wind-blown ledge/cliff things... they were pretty cool.  Kyle slid down the ledge thing and then somehow... we all ended up down there with him ha ha

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