Monday, June 21, 2010

Fathers Day

We had a good Father's Day here in the Rau home. Everyone was able to come, which was a lot of fun, as usual.

My Mom got a couple princess dresses from a garage sell and brought them out for the girls. They loved them! They were so adorable!

Cute little Brynlee Boo :)
Look at that double chin, and those chunky cheeks!

I drove the Geo down from Logan on Sunday. Taya's pajama shirt had gotten lost and when Mike was outside looking for it on the ground and around the cars he noticed that the left front tire of the Geo is coming apart! Ah! I knew the tires were pretty bad but I had NO clue I was driving on a tire like that. Talk about scary! I can't believe I even made it home without a blowout... Thank goodness they lost Taya's shirt or else I would've left for Logan not knowing about the tire and... yah you get the idea. Bad news bears.

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