Friday, August 24, 2012

One Week Down!

Well this experience hasn't been nearly quite as bad as I was expecting it to be that's for sure.  And true to everyone's word it has gotten a little worse before getting better.  

Day 5:

Still waiting for the "worst of it," and thinking "Hey, maybe I'll just pass that stage!"  Took hardly any drugs that day.  Pain = No. Big. Deal.

Days 6 & 7:

Waiting is over.  Hello pain!  Ear pain to be exact... which means I was happily reunited with my drugs. I've been fine through out the day (thanks to medications ha), so the mornings really are the worst part.  They said it would come and it finally did.  But hey I'm half way there!  One week down, one-ish (i guess) to go!

I'm beginning to get tired of my "soft-foods" diet and have been craving crunchy salads and pizza.  Also conveniently, my dad decided to get cable TV a few days ago, so not only have I had a full week of laziness, but I've gotten my fill of Saved By The Bell, Boy Meets World, Mythbusters, and various movies on demand.  Nice timing Dad!

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