Monday, August 20, 2012

So Far So Good!

Day ONE:

Surgery actually went really well and it wasn't all that bad.  Thank heavens for anesthesia :)  All the nurses and doctors were very kind and made me feel as comfortable as possible.  I even got huge paper shorts to wear under my gown - bonus!  The only bad part, which just happened to be the part I was the most concerned for, was in fact the IV experience.  I was squirming and near tears all throughout it and it didn't help that she had to try twice.  On the second time she was struggling and made the mistake of mentioning "Your vein just keeps rolling."  Gag.  Not what I wanted to hear.  

Anyway, I was disappointed to find out that I'm not very funny when under anesthesia.  Upon awakening I just kept repeating "that was so weird" and how bad my neck was hurting.  Once I was reunited with my mom I had a little giggle fit that was half mixed with tears.  Speaking of my Mom, she is crazy and decided to take the opportunity to watch my surgery!  They sent me home with this little souvenir and my mom really wants someone to watch it with her ha ha.  So if there are any takers out there....?  Ha ha crazy Mom.

The rest of day one wasn't too bad, but it was my worst day so far.  The pain medication (which just makes me super drowsy) works great and I was able to eat some popsicles.  I made the mistake of trying some jell-o which did not sit well my stomach, and resulted in the rest of the night hovered over the toilet.  But it wasn't until I took my next dose of nasty liquid narcotic that instantly had me puking.  This action of course caused bleeding so we had to call the doctor and gargle cold water to restrict the blood vessels.  Anyway...  the first day was an adventure to say the least!


Good news is... I have survived days two and three as well!!  With great success!  I was able to eat a lot more this day and started on more solid foods such as scrambled eggs, go-gurt, rice, mac & cheese, etc.  It was fantastic :)  Hardly any pain these days as long as I was taking my medication and My brother and his family came up to stay the night with us so it was even better to have company! 

The only downside to this experience so far (other than the puking) is that the drug has made me super itchy all over - no rash, just very very itchy.  So now we've also got benedryl thrown into my drug mix... but anyway, so far this hasn't been a bad experience at all.  I have truly been enjoying being so lazy and getting lots of extra sleep.  Though they say the worst is yet to come....  My nurse told me that around day 5 you start to feel like you are digressing pain wise, because that's when the scabs start to fall off..... ew ew ew!  

*Side Note:  As I mentioned in my pre-surgery post I was having a very hard time justifying getting my tonsils out, because it wasn't a life and death situation and I couldn't see a dire need to get them out.  However I am now very grateful that I did it, because when my doctor got them out he said how disgusting they were and so full of holes, crevices and garbage that they definitely needed to come out.  So I feel much much better about it and am grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving my the little push I needed (as well as the strength) to go through with it.

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