Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Barbasol Beard Buster...

Friday was not only the last day of finals... It was also my roommate Jenni's day of birth! Big 19 Wahoo! We started out the day with various shaped blueberry pancakes, which was later followed by a Smith's Deli food picnic at Willow Park in Logan. We also made a little trip to Willow Park Zoo, which is basically half ducks and birds... but it was still fun! And it only costs a dollar so it was just perfect.
We surprised Jenni with a Little Mermaid cake which she LOVED! If you were to walk into her room you would be able to tell right away that she's obsessed with the little mermaid ha ha.

We went to another park later that day to test out the 3D chalk that we gave her for her birthday. It's not illegal to draw on public sidewalks with chalk is it?? Well I sure hope not. Anyway it really works, it's pretty cool!

And then somehow.... We ended up in a shaving cream fight... :) Barbasol Beard Buster is some great stuff let me tell ya! I smelled like a man the rest of the night, even after I showered ha ha!

It was messy but tons of fun!! Everyone at the park was staring at us... I'm sure they thought we were kinda crazy, but oh well.

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